Thursday, July 29, 2010

Grundy Lake Provincial Park, Ontario part four...

After our morning hikes around Grundy Lake Provincial Park, we would be ready for lunch! We would either make a quick sandwich and canoe over to the beach or to a rocky shore to eat, or we would make something at the campsite. Luckily, our campfire pit would stay in the shade for most of the day, making it possible to cook lunch over the fire. Our campsite was situated on top of a hill, over looking the lake. Kevin remembers years ago, when the sites on the hill had a clear view. Well, since a decade ago, the forest has grown in a bit, but we still had a lovely view through the trees and a constant breeze. For one of our lunches I decided to go all out! Why not?! I made us grilled brie and bacon sandwiches with onions and tomatoes. Heaven! The best part is, that not only did I butter the bread to grill it but I also left some of the bacon fat in the pan! Hello! Pure indulgence... They turned out fantastic and of course, I washed mine down with a cold, hard apple cider.

After lunch, we took the canoe down the hill to the launching area and went for a big canoe adventure. Kev guided us to the top of Grundy Lake, to find a path that the beavers swim through to get to their damn. He wasn't sure if it would still be there, but sure enough, hidden behind the tall reeds and bull rushes, there it was! We were quickly surrounded by lily pads, water lilies and other beautiful plants and flowers. We got right up to the damn, marvelled at it's size and engineering for a little while, turned around and came back out again. Wow, now that was neat! On another canoe trip, we took the the small river link from Grundy Lake to Gut Lake (kind of a weird name, don't you think?). This lake is smaller, but much deeper and there are cliffs in which people can jump off of. Kev and I stayed in our canoe and watched while dozens of dare devils launched themselves off the different heights. Kev's Mum told us that she did it once years ago, and loved it! How fun! On every canoe trip we went on, it became a tradition that Kev would bring a beer for himself and a cider for me. We would paddle out to the middle of the Grundy Lake and would enjoy our cold bevies. Looking back, we must have spent hours out there... Basking in the sun, enjoying the cool breeze and listening to nothing except the for the occasional bird and the water lapping up the sides of our canoe. Can it get any better than that?

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