Friday, July 16, 2010

Heading to Grundy Lake Provincial Park, Ontario

"Camping: nature's way of promoting the motel industry." Dave Barry

Photograph courtesy of 'The Katelyn Story'

Happy Friday, my loyal followers!
Well, me and me sweetie Kev are going camping this weekend! Yippy! The only part of me that doesn't want to go is my back... I'll definitely be bringing my yoga mat for some good stretchin'! We are heading up to Grundy Lake Provincial Park at the crack of dawn on Sunday. It's a three hour drive north from Georgetown, in the Sudbury district. Kev and his family have been there many times and they all love it. As a matter of fact, Kev's parents were up there last week. They told us there were a lot of bugs and black bears. Great. I can live with the bugs, but bears?! I've never seen one outside of the zoo, so this should be interesting!  Now, don't you worry my followers, the culinary adventure will continue!! We are going to be stopping at local markets and roadside stalls along the way up to buy fruit and veggies. I've planned some great meals to cook around the campfire and I even have a cooking experiment that I'm looking forward to trying! Tee hee! We are bringing up a canoe and hope to do a lot of hiking (there will be quite a few calories to burn off, that's for sure!). I think we are going to have a great time! As for the good ol' blog, I will not be back until Monday July 26. Kinda sad. While I'm gone, please review my recipes and try something out! I swear, you won't be disappointed! Bye for now my followers, I will be back soon with great stories and some fun recipes!

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