Monday, June 28, 2010

Hobo Popcorn at Earl Rowe Provincial Park, Ontario

"There aren't enough days in the weekend." Rod Schmidt

Helloooo followers!!! Wow. I am wiped out! It was quite the weekend, let me tell you about it!!
So, after once again convincing my Dad to skip work on Friday, we headed up to our 10 acres in Norfolk County to work in our vegetable garden, check out the composter my Dad built (in picture above), cut the grass and replace the batteries in the R.V.. As luck would have it, my brother Adam and his wife Michelle also had the day off (they were both avoiding the madness of the G20 in Toronto, he works in a law firm and she works in a bank). Good stuff! Once we ate our humble lunch of sandwiches and pickles, we washed them down with a beer and got down to work. I headed into the garden, equipped with a hoe and rake. Man, those weeds just never end, do they?! But growing even better than the weeds are our vegetables! My word, they just love it up there! Meanwhile, Michelle jumped on the John Deere to mow, my brother weed whacked, while my Dad eventually changed the batteries and got the R.V. started. He also hooked up the solar panel, which we use to help power the pump in the R.V.. In our short three hours up there, we accomplished everything on our 'to do' list! Excellent!
On Saturday afternoon, Kev got off work early and we packed up to go camping for the night. On our way to Earl Rowe Provincial Park (close to Orangeville), my sweetie took me for a bit of a tour. We drove the back roads from Georgetown and ended up in Bellfountain. A lovely, lovely little town that was established in the early 1800's. Deep in a valley, it is a hidden gem with great hiking trails! Kev and I are definitely gonna head there soon and I can't wait! Once in the Provincial Park, we met up with the rest of Kev's family. How fun! We set up our tent, drove into town for an emergency beer run, then got back to campsite just in time for our grand steak dinner with all the fixin's. Yum! After dinner, we relaxed around the campfire and once we weren't so stuffed anymore, I tried out my campfire cooking experiment... 'Hobo Popcorn'. I saw it in a camping book once and decided to test it out!

Photographer: Geoff Patey

Simple and Tasty Recipe:

Hobo Popcorn

1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 Tbsp popcorn kernels
pinch of salt

. using ' heavy duty' tin foil, roll out 3 to 4 long sheets
. spread them out a bit into a large square (best to do on a picnic table)
. rip off one smaller piece and place it in the centre, place the oil and kernels in the centre
. gather up the sides and form a large, round parcel
. either tie a string to the top and tie to a stick, or use a hot dog poker (pictured above)
. place over the hot coals and shake until the popcorn is popped, open carefully, sprinkle salt and enjoy!
Well, it sounds easy enough, but it was a bit tough! We had partial success, but finding the right part in the fire to get the constant heat is the key. Oh yeah, patience is also needed. A lot of patience...! Don't worry followers, I will keep working on the 'Hobo Popcorn' until it is perfected! Please try it the next time you have a campfire and let me know how it works out!
Alrighty, enough babbling for now! I will continue on about our camping adventure tomorrow and tell you about the birthday party we went to yesterday evening! I warned you that it was quite the weekend!! Bye for now, my loyal followers!

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