Friday, June 18, 2010

Upside Down Ontario Strawberry and Rhubarb Cake

"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities!..." Norman Vincent Peale

Okay, is it just me or are the weeks really flying by?! Friday again, crazy!
Well, yesterday I decided to experiment with a little baking. Scary stuff!! You see, I am not the most confident baker out there. In pastry class back at Stratford Chef school, I really enjoyed it! Maybe it was just the fact that our pastry Chef, John Bex, was utterly amazing and his love for what he did was contagious. Mind you, I did do pastries for the 'Green Room' restaurant in Stratford for a season, but that was a decade ago and I feel like I have lost the knack. Well, I have decided to put those feelings aside and simply go for it! Why not get out of the comfort zone every now and then and try something different? You agree with me, right my followers! Thanks! Anyhoo, let's get back on track and back to yesterday's baking... So, I looked in the fridge and saw that I still had some Ontario rhubarb. I then saw the pints of Ontario strawberries on the counter (both from Norfolk county) and thought, 'Bingo!' What goes better together than strawberries and rhubarb?! Well, maybe peanut butter and jam, but that's beside the point! Geesh! I did a bit of research and came up with an idea: upside down strawberry and rhubarb cake. Easy and tasty, just the way I like it!

Simple and Tasty Recipe:

Upside Down Strawberry and Rhubarb Cake
(serves 4 to 6)

3 tbsp butter, melted
1/2 cup brown sugar, tightly packed
1 cup Ontario rhubarb, small pieces
2 cup Ontario strawberries, cut into halves
1 cup self rising flour
1/3 cup white sugar
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp orange zest
pinch of salt

.preheat oven to 350 degrees
.add the melted butter to a 9 inch (22.86 cm) cake pan, spread across the bottom and brush a little up the sides to prevent sticking
.sprinkle the brown sugar evenly into the bottom of the pan with the butter
.next, spread out the fruit evenly in the pan
.in mixing bowl sift in flour, stir in the sugar, pinch of salt and zest
.add in eggs, vanilla and butter and stir until combined
.spread the batter over the fruit and place in the oven for 40 to 45 mins, until golden brown
.remove from oven, allow to sit 5 mins, loosen the edges with a knife, place a large plate on top and flip it over
.remove cake pan, serve while still warm, (by itself or with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream!), enjoy!
Sounds good, eh?! Well, it tastes good too! I'm actually eating a piece right now for my brek with a big ol' mug of tea.Yum! Now, just a warning, this isn't the sweetest cake around. If you like things quite sweet, I would suggest that you add a Tbsp or two of white sugar to your fruit before you but it in the pan. Or, just add an extra Tbsp or two of brown sugar into the pan with the butter. Try it out and let me know what you think! Remember, strawberries and rhubarb are easily frozen, which is great, so we can enjoy our fresh Ontario goodness that much longer! Have a great weekend followers and I will report any culinary adventures I find for you on Monday! Bye!

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