Monday, June 7, 2010

"All the world is a birthday cake, so take a piece, but not to much." George Harrison

Happy Monday, followers! How was your weekend? Yes, I know, a lot of rain... Just remember though, it's good for the garden!
Well, my weekend was filled with several culinary adventures! I'll fill you in! On Friday evening, I worked a catering in Toronto. A small dinner party for 20 people. No problem there! The clients loved the food and a good time was had by all! Unfortunately that same day, my parents were up at the land planting more veggies into our garden. I was upset that I missed it!! Oh well, being a freelance Chef means that you gotta work when work comes your way... On Saturday morning, I was back in Toronto. This time it was a luncheon for a crowd of 140. I was happy to see that there were a lot of people to help, including some of my good friends in the catering world! Again, it went off without a hitch! When I got back into Georgetown that evening, my sweetie Kevin had bought us a treat! The ingredients for mojitos (on my 'Recipes' page)! He made us a couple, but on some Cuban music and we relaxed, with memories of Cuba floating through in our minds... Kev also made me dinner that night! BBQ chicken thighs, asparagus smothered in butter and sea salt in a foil package and grilled garlic bread. I whipped us up a quick lemon sauce to complete the meal! Delicious! Then, on Sunday it was the big day... Two birthday parties in one at Kevin's parents house! It was for Kev's youngest brother Rob and his daughter Kayla. How fun! Now, the invitation announced a pool party and BBQ. When we woke up Sunday morning, we realized that both would probably be thrown out the window. But, as luck would have it, the hot dogs were cooked on the BBQ after all and swimming commenced after lunch (at least an hour after eating, of course!). The rest of the afternoon was spent lounging in the sun by the pool, chatting and sipping on cold beer. Lovely! For dinner, Kev and I enjoyed grilled sausages (mine with HP sauce), a quick veggie fry up and my Mum's leftover cauliflower cheese casserole from the freezer. Easy and scrumptious! Certainly a lovely weekend spent with family and friends, good food and drink... Can it get any better than that?!

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