Friday, June 25, 2010

"My work here is done." Tyres, 'Spaced'

Hello followers, I'm back! Yippy! I have missed you all very much!
Well, my work for the G8, G20 is done... It's been quite the adventure, let me fill you in! First of all, I have never seen a catering on this scale. I was told that we were supplying three meals a day for the 1 billion dollars worth of security located in Toronto and Huntsville (there is another team stationed up north lead by the Executive Chef). Wow! I wondered how many people that was, so I asked the Sous Chef. He told me we were feeding 3000 people a day (with different menu options), plus their regular catering clientele. Big wow!! There are people working for this company 24/10. That's right, 24 hrs a day, for 10 days. New people show up every couple of hours to relieve the old of their duties. I'd say there are about 60 people working at all times, including freelance Chefs like myself and others brought in from different agencies. Just crazy. I've been starting at 6 or 7am and working 12 to 14 hour days. You might wonder, 'Sarah, what were you doing?' I'll tell you! I was asked to help cook the daily food for the regular catering clients (including Google), while also preparing items for the G8, G20 security. My first day I was baking off cookies. A lot of cookies. 150 dozen cookies, to be exact! I don't think I've ever seen so many cookies!! Over the next few days, I was packaging pre made cakes and desserts, baking off 600 mini pizzas, packaging 1000 spring rolls, mixing potato salad and scooping it into bowls to feed 2000 people. Packaging creamed spinach, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, beef bourguignon, chicken Parmesan, manicotti, cannelloni and more sweets. Oh yeah, I also made 400 breakfast wraps one of those days and made the daily gluten free meals (25 per day). Of course, there was a heck of a lot more going on, these were just some of the tasks I helped out with while I was there. You might be wondering, 'Where are they keeping all of this food?' Well, three refrigerated transport trucks are stationed outside the facility, running 24 hours a day, to keep all of the food cold. 'Where is the hot food heated up?' There is an outdoor kitchen set up with eight ovens and several warmers, with a Chef in charge, also running 24 hours a day. 'Where would the food go?' Three times a day, delivery trucks and vans would be lined up to take the hot and cold food away to a dozen or so locations. Like I said, I have never seen anything like it before! Definitely an experience I am glad I got to partake in! The catering company is still working away, but I have put in as many hours as I wanted and I am ready to get back to my regular schedule. That's one of the great things about being a freelance Chef, I get to make my own hours!
So, to finish off my crazy week, I am heading up to the land today with my Dad to do a bit of work in our garden. I can't wait to visit our veggies! Yay!! Tomorrow my sweetie Kev and I are going to his family's annual camp out for a steak dinner and on Sunday evening, we are attending my cousin Emily's 21st birthday bash! What a great weekend!
Well followers, I bid you all adieu, but don't worry! I will be blogging about my culinary adventures next week and I hope you will enjoy my simple and tasty recipes! Bye!!

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