Friday, February 18, 2011

"...busy as a bee, and cheerful as a cricket..." Martha Washington

G'day to you all!
Alas my followers, there is no recipe today... Sorry! I've had a busy week and not a lot of time for cooking. Quite a few projects are in the works and this week has been all about the research (and I love the research!). So, if you don't mind, I was thinking I would give you all an update on my current culinary adventures! Where to start...? First up, remember the catering I did for MOCCA last week? Well, some people were quite impressed with my food (so, so nice!), that now I have been informed there is a catering for 300 people coming up. A couple of people think I should do it. It is a cold hors d'oeuvres party and I really think I could pull it off, especially with my trusty Sous Chef Cathy by my side! After a lot of brainstorming, my menu is designed and today I am sending off a bit of a bio to the MOCCA board to try to win them over. Next up, I am catering my nephew's baby shower on Sunday. Yippy! My Brother Adam and his wife Michelle had little Evan James on Feb. 5th. He was a month early and weighed the same as a bag of sugar (5 lbs), but he is doing extremely well and was sent home 4 days later. We are expecting 20 guests and again, I have spent time this week designing my menu. I hope all the ladies like my food and I am ready to get started on the prep tomorrow. Speaking of Adam and Michelle, I am also going to make some food for them to put into the freezer, for quick and easy meals! Adam has been doing most of the cooking, but he will be going back to work next week. We are happy to help out in any way we can! Now, my last culinary adventure involves the 'Sideroads of Halton Hills' magazine I submit an article for. My deadline for the spring issue is coming up on Feb. 25th. As of last night, I finalized my recipe selections, thank goodness! I am planning to get started on that project on Monday. I really, really hope everything turns out (fingers crossed!), and of course I will keep you all updated. I love researching recipes and designing menus, but man, this week has been a bit much! Don't fret my followers, I promise I will be taking pictures at the shower and will have a recipe for you next week! Have a great long weekend, bye for now!

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