Monday, August 12, 2013

Kitchen Tip Number Six: Get More Juice Outta Those Limes

Do you agree with me that sometimes you can't get that much juice out of a lime? It always seems like other citrus fruits tend to give more juice and it takes a lot less effort to squeeze them. Well, here are a couple of tips to getting the maximum amount of juice outs those tiny limes!
First, allow your lime to sit out until room temperature or even a bit warmer before you use it. Heck, if you have the oven on,  place your lime on the stove top to warm up slightly or simply leave it on a sunny window sill for a little while.
Next, put the lime on your cutting board and place the palm of your hand on top of it. With a bit of pressure, roll the lime up and down the board several times until you can feel the lime becoming softer. Don't roll too hard or you'll split the lime!
Lastly, invest in a good juicer! It doesn't have to be electric, just a simple old fashioned bowl juicer or a metal hand held juicer will do! By the way, my hand held dual lime and lemon juicer is one of my favourite kitchen tools! Good luck!

The metal hand held dual lemon and lime juicer is one of my favourite kitchen tools!

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