Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to Grow Sweet Potatoes

Step Number One

FACT: Sweet potatoes are actually the roots of a vine that belongs to the morning glory family.
Hiya followers, how fun is this?!
Growing sweet potatoes are extremely easy and I am going to guide you with each step of the way from start to finish! All you need for today's first step is a jar, some water, perhaps 5 toothpicks and an organically grown sweet potato. I started my sweet potato this past weekend, but now is a fine time to get started!
Choose a nice lookin' sweet potato and determine the thinner end from the rounder end. The thinner end will be submerged in water to grow roots.
Find a good sized jar that is wide enough to fit your sweet potato. If it is too wide, stick some toothpicks into the sides of the potato (about 1 cm deep), all the way around. This will keep your sweet potato from falling into the jar.
Place your sweet potato, skinny end down, into the jar and fill with water until the bottom 2 cm of the potato is submerged.
Put the jar on the sunny window ledge and let nature work her magic!
So, now it's just a waiting game to watch the roots grow out of the bottom and see slips growing up out of the top of the sweet potato. I'll be back next week with an update!
Good luck!

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