Thursday, April 5, 2012

'Happy 2nd Blogoversary!!!'

Hello followers! Yes it's true, today marks the two year anniversary of my culinary blog! Hurrah!
In the past two years, I have posted 155 blogs, 132 recipes and have had over 13,500 views! Wow! There have been quite a few happy moments in the last couple of  years and also some incredibly sad. But, through support and being together, those sad and gloomy places aren't visited as often as they were before. A lot of good food has been consumed, a lot of new and exciting places have been discovered around our wonderful Ontario and many great people have been met along the way. Today's photos have all been taken in the past year. They are definitely some of my faves, including a couple that have not been seen before! Also, to celebrate this anniversary, I have decided to add something new to my blog! Starting today I will lend a bit of my culinary knowledge and have a new page dedicated to my useful 'Kitchen Tips' (see below!). Please contact me if there are any problems in the kitchen that you think I could help you with! And, as always, recipe requests are happily received!
Lastly, I'd just like to say thank you! I am so happy that I started this silly little blog and so happy that you have dropped by at one time or another to visit! Thank you so much, my loyal followers! There are still so many culinary adventures to be had, so make sure to come back often! Bye for now!


Helina said...

Sarah, wanted to thank you for the beautiful soup recipe. It was sensory overload!!!!

Unknown said...

Thank you, Helina! I'm so happy you liked it!