Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding Scones

"Fit for royalty..."

Happy Royal Wedding day, followers! Isn't it all SO exciting?!
Well, I didn't write my blog last week and I feel bad about it! With so much going on the week before Easter, I didn't have the time. But, I am here now and would like to do an update! Good Friday in my family is referred to as 'Perogy Day.' That's right, it's the day that the ladies in my family get together to make my favourite food of all times, homemade perogies. My Grandmother has Ukrainian roots and the recipe that makes it's annual appearance is from her Mother, my Great Grandmother Myslitsky. All in all, we made about 800! Ha! On the same day, my Dad made the escape out to our 10 acres of land in Norfolk County (no men allowed while making perogies, it's our only rule!). He got into the garden put in green arrow peas and snap peas, a definite sign that spring is certainly not going anywhere! I haven't gone up to the land yet, but I cannot wait to don my Wellies and Tilly hat and get down and dirty in the garden! My sweetie and I had three Easter dinners to attend this year and they were all lovely! Roast duck with Kev's family, ham at my Grandparents and roast turkey at my parent's. Yum, yum, yum! Speaking of good eating, Kev and I just celebrated our two year anniversary for the last couple of days in Niagara-on-the-Lake. I love the Niagara region. Oh, the wine! Aren't we all so lucky to live to close to one of Canada's finest wine making regions?! Although our trip was cut short due to strong winds and power outages (we had just ordered brekkie at Escabeche in the Prince of Wales Hotel, when the power went out!!), our night away was lovely and filled with great food and drink! And speaking of the Prince of Wales, we must discuss his Son, William! The royal wedding of William and Kate is on and I am so excited! Wills and Harry just showed up at the Abbey. To celebrate, I am drinking tea and eating a homemade scone. I made them yesterday evening and I used my Mum's recipe. They are delicious!

Simple and Tasty Recipe:

Royal Wedding Scones
(makes 6 large or 12 small)

2 cups all-purpose flour
5 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
4 tbsp cold butter, cubed
3 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup dried fruit (raisins, currants, cranberries, etc.)
1/2 cup milk, approx
1 egg, beaten

.preheat oven to 425 degrees
.sift flour, baking powder and slat into a large bowl
.rub in the butter until crumbly, stir in sugar (and dried fruit, if using...)
.pour in the milk and stir until just mixed into a soft dough (you might need a bit more milk)
.turn out the dough onto a floured surface and knead 5 to 6 times
.roll out until 2 cm thick and cut out 5 cm rounds, reshape leftover dough and cut rounds until the dough is used up, brush scones with beaten egg
.place on a parchment lined tray, bake for 10 to 12 mins until golden brown, cool on tray or on rack, enjoy!
Now, as you can see by my photos, I did not cut out the scones, but rather I scooped them with my ice cream scoop. This is the way I used to do them while working at 'All the Best Fine Foods' in Toronto and it is a very quick method to use. Instead of turning the dough out to knead on the counter, simply scoop straight from the bowl onto your lined tray and brush with the egg. If you like, you can also sprinkle sugar on top that this point. Yum! I am enjoying my scones with Kevin's Mum's strawberry preserves. So, so good! I think my next one will be toasted with butter... Why not?! It's a special occasion! Alrighty everyone, I hope you don't mind my crazed blog, I am typing super fast so I don't miss anything! Enjoy the wedding, my loyal followers! I can't wait to see the dress!!! Ahh!

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