Friday, November 29, 2013

Late Autumn in Norfolk County, ON

"Dull November brings the blast,
Then the leaves are whirling fast."
-  Sara Coleridge

Hiya my fave followers!
Wow, November is almost over... Can you believe it?! The last month has flown by and I am disappointed that I haven't stayed on top of things and blogged about our last couple of visits up to our 10 acres of land in Norfolk County, Ontario. Since we bought the property several years ago, we go through the ritual of opening up the land in the spring and shutting her down in the late fall. So many stories to tell and pictures to see, and this year I failed to keep up. Well, some say 'better late then never,' so why not?! Let's back track a bit and allow me to share with you what we've been up to!
In the last month or so we've had our last campout of the year, harvested the last of our vegetables, planted garlic, fixed up the asparagus patch and turned over the compost, among over duties. We have all have enjoyed our last autumn days up at our property and hope that all stays safe and sound while winter soon settles in and our visits become scarce until spring arrives next year.

Look how big our trees are getting. Hard to believe they were saplings a few years ago!
Sweet potatoes...
Yukon Golds...
The garlic patch. Isn't my Dad a tidy gardener?!
The asparagus patch. It has been weeded, hilled up and cover with well rotted cow manure.
We put a lot of hours, sweat and sore backs into the garden this past year and are so happy to be enjoying the delicious harvest! See you again in the spring!!!

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