Sunday, March 25, 2012

Homebrew Month, Week Four

Hello followers! Our new season is here and I'd like to wish you all a happy Springtime!
Well, last week we looked at the step by step homebrewing method. Pretty simple and straightforward, wouldn't you agree? Today we will finish the process...
One week after the initial brew, the beer is moved from it's fermentation bucket into a large glass vessel called a 'carboy'. In the carboy, the secondary fermentation takes place and the yeast and hops settle to the bottom, while the carbonation dissipates. Dextrose is diluted in water and added to the brew, it will react with the remaining yeast to create carbonation. The brew is then syphoned out the of carboy (avoiding the sediment in the bottom) and into the bottling pail, complete with spigot and hose. Warning: Make sure the spigot is closed! Ha! Once the beer is in the bottling pail, it's ready to go! Fill the sanitized bottles with homebrew, tightly screw the cap or use a metal capper, give it a shake and let it sit for 2 weeks. A cooler climate will lend to a slower carbonation, whereas a warmer climate will carbonate your homebrew a bit quicker. You'll be happy to hear that the carbonation of our Nut Brown Ale took 2 weeks. Here are some pics!

This batch of homebrew was absolutely delicious! Dark in colour with a thick foam head, smooth going down with a rich and full nutty flavour and a bitter end. My Uncle Jeff said that it turned out perfect and I think everyone that sampled it would concur! One month from start to finish with 23 litres of homebrew to show for it. Now that's pretty darn amazing! For today's recipe I decided to use locally grown veggies and braise them in beer. Yum yum!

Simple and Tasty Recipe:

Beer Braised Cabbage and Beets
(serves 6 to 8)

2 tbsp butter
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced or chopped
1 tsp thyme
1 small or 1/2 large red cabbage, thinly sliced
1 large beet, peeled and grated
1 tbsp grainy Dijon mustard
2 tbsp cider vinegar
2 tsp brown sugar
1/2 cup beer (preferably dark or homemade!)
1/2 cup vegetable stock or water
sea salt
fresh ground pepper

In a large skillet, on medium heat, melt the butter and add in the onions with a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook until soft, about 4 to 5 mins. Stir in the garlic and thyme and cook for 1 to 2 mins more. Add in the rest of ingredients and mix well, season with another pinch of salt and pepper. Reduce the heat to medium low, cover with a large lid and simmer for about 30 mins until the cabbage and beets are fully cooked, stirring occasionally. Adjust the seasoning to taste and serve immediately. Enjoy!
(if you prefer your cabbage a bit sweeter in taste, add another tsp of sugar. If you prefer it more a bit more sour, add another tbsp of vinegar.)
Alrighty followers, another week of Homebrew Month done and one more to go! And, as a matter of fact, today there is going to be a homebrew celebration in good ol' Dundas, Onatrio at my Aunt Deb and Uncle Jeff's house! They have invited us over for dinner and we are all making each of the homebrew recipes from my blog to contribute. Oh man, I just hope everyone's dishes turn out! Yikes! So, my followers have a great Sunday and wouldn't you agree that it's a perfect day to make some homebrew?! Till next week!

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