"The city has a face, the country a soul." Jacques de Lacretelle

Good day, my spring loving followers! Well, you might have noticed that I haven't written my blog for the past two weeks... The reason is simple: I wasn't feeling inspired. Last spring started early and was so full of activity and vigour. This spring had lost it's sprung and I felt as dull as the weather outside. But, I am very happy to announce that I am now embracing our new season and my first visit up to 'the land' helped! For those of you who do not know what 'the land' is, allow me to explain... Four years ago, my parents bought a 10 acre plot of land in Norfolk County, about a 50 minute drive from our family home in West Hamilton. Five acres are forest and five acres were a soy bean crop, which we have converted into a large meadow. We put down a few hundred pounds of different grasses and clover to do so! My Dad got in touch with the local arbour association and had 500 indigenous trees planted and I am happy to say that some of them are already taller than I am! Three years ago, my Dad planted four fruit trees and put in an 80'x80' garden. And let me tell yah, it has all been a labour of love! Our garlic has done well over the winter, as well as our asparagus patch. My Dad planted peas a few weeks back and they are coming up! Yippy! Some purchases have also been made in the last four years, all equally important in helping us city folk while out in the countryside. An R.V., circa 1972 (our shag carpeted home away from home!), a pair of good ol' Wellies for all, a silly hat for everyone and our little John Deere mower. We all love our ten acres. And not just satisfied with a day of gardening or an occasional bonfire anymore, my parents have plans to build a home. I truly think that we have a little piece of heaven out there in Norfolk County and it will around for all of us to enjoy for the years to come! Being up there last week got me excited about spring and after you see my pictures, I hope you feel the same way! So what if it's rainy out?! Our gardens are growing and fresh Ontario produce is slowly starting to appear in grocery stores and markets! Please enjoy the pictures I've posted and I'll be back next week with my first springtime culinary adventure! Bye for now, my loyal followers!

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