Friday, January 14, 2011

Ontario Roasted Root Vegetable Soup, Gluten Free

"There is nothing like soup." Laurie Colwin

Hello my wintry followers! Aren't you so happy we finally got some snow? I sure am!
Well, isn't it the perfect time for 'Soup Month?!' What better way to warm up a chilly winter evening, then to snuggle up with a nice hot bowl of soup. For this reason alone, I'm pretty sure that soup has been around just about forever! My goal with this month's recipes is to keep them local, seasonal and easy to prepare. I figured I would start the fun with a simple recipe for roasted root vegetable soup. Kev's Dad really liked it and I hope you will too! All of the ingredients have been grown close by and can be found at any grocery store. Or, if you are lucky enough to live in a city such as Hamilton, Toronto or Ottawa which feature year round, indoor farmer's markets, get out there and support your local farmers! Alrighty then, time to thaw out some homemade stock that is sitting in your freezer and get down to business!

Simple and Tasty Recipe:

Ontario Roasted Root Vegetable Soup
(serves 4)

2 tbsp olive oil
4 cups mixed root vegetables, rough chop (I used sweet potato, Yukon Gold potato, carrot and parsnip)
1 onion, rough chop
3 cloves garlic
2 sprigs of thyme
4 cups homemade vegetable stock or water
sea salt
fresh ground pepper

.preheat the oven to 375
.place the chopped veggies, garlic and thyme in a bowl, toss with the oil and season with salt and pep
.spread out single layered onto a lightly greased or parchment lined try and roast for about 45 mins, until browned with slightly charred bits
.place the contents of the tray into a pot on the stove, add the liquid and bring to a boil on high heat
.turn down heat to low, cover with a lid and simmer for 30 mins
.remove the thyme sprigs and puree until smooth ( I find my hand held wand blender is the best!)
.adjust the seasoning, enjoy!
How easy is that?! Please don't hesitate to be creative and switch up the root veggies! This soup would be fabulous made with turnip, celeriac or shallots. If pushed for time, one could skip the roasting of the veggies and increase simmering time by 15 mins, but the flavour wouldn't be as intense. This soup is also a great way to use up older vegetables in the fridge or pantry. I hope you like the first of many soups to come and remember to check back soon to find out what will be next during 'Soup Month!' How exciting!

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