"Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?" Frank Scully
Now, have I got a culinary adventure for you!! Are you sitting down? Good! Well, I suppose I should start at the beginning... (isn't the suspense killing you? Hee hee!) When I moved out here to Georgetown this past spring, I was ready to challenge myself. I became a freelance Chef, created my blog and started exploring new possibilities. Soon after I started blogging, my Chef school caught wind of it and asked me to write an article for their alumni newsletter! Wow, was I honoured! I loved my time at the Stratford Chef School and thought it was fantastic to be back in the loop.You know, that got me thinking, 'What else could I do?' I automatically thought of a food article in the local paper, but was dismayed to find out that they already had one. Too bad. So, I moved on and continued freelancing and blogging. About a month ago, I decided to take a chance. I wrote the editors of local newspaper and told them who I was, what I did, added a link to my blog and asked if they could use a food writer/recipe tester/food stylist, etc. A few days later the general editor wrote me back and said that if I were interested, I could have a page in their seasonal magazine for my recipes and photos. Hello!! Can you believe it?! The publication is called 'Sideroads of Halton Hills' and it is included within 'The Independent & Free Press' four times a year. I met with him later on that week and he told me to include a head shot, short bio and discussed my deadline (it's this Friday, by the way! Eek!). He also told me the deadlines of the winter and spring editions, so I guess I'm in?! How exciting! I know it sounds weird, but I just had this strong feeling that there was an opportunity for me with the local newspaper. If anything, this experience has taught me to simply go for it. You never know what can happen, unless you make it happen! So, needless to say, I've got some hard work ahead of me for the next few days. I've been mulling ideas over and over in my head and today I have got to get down to business! Wish me luck everyone and I will be back tomorrow with an update! I think this might be my best culinary adventure, yet!
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