"What is paradise, but a garden full of vegetables and herbs and pleasure? Nothing there but delights." William Lawson
Well, after several days of working on the porch for my Dad last week, he thought it would be a good idea to take Friday off to head up to our land! Okay! I hadn't been up to our 10 acres in Norfolk County for a little while and was excited to see our big vegetable garden. I had tasted a couple tomatoes and cucumbers that my parents had picked and I was excited to see what else was ready! Eggplant, green, yellow and purple beans, onions, radishes, cantaloupe melons and Norland potatoes were ready for the picking. Not to mention heaps of herbs! Wow, I love having a garden! It's a lot of work, but worth it all when you get to harvest your vegetables. I picked a cucumber, an onion and some cherry tomatoes for my Dad and I to enjoy with our simple lunch of corned beef sandwiches. So delicious! When finished, my Dad got down to every gardeners favourite duty, weeding, while I hopped on the John Deere to mow the afternoon away. We had such a great day at the land, that we decided to come back during the long weekend. Why the heck not?! A bonfire was had on Sunday night, followed by a camp out. Yesterday I woke up bright and early, got out the pitch fork and dug up about five pounds of potatoes. What a great way to start the day! I also picked a basket of our lovely vegetables and herbs to bring home. Now I just have to figure out what to do with them!! I'm thinking salads and maybe a fresh salsa... How does that sound to you? I will start my culinary adventure this evening and we'll see what happens! Don't worry followers, I won't disappoint. There will be great 'Quick Recipes' you won't want to miss this week, I promise! I'm so excited about cooking with our garden fresh veggies! Yippy!
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