Sunday, September 15, 2013

Jean Ikeson's Greenhouse! Dundas, Ontario

"Earth laughs in flowers." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hiya followers! If you live anywhere close to Georgetown, Ontario, make sure to check out my website and sign up to one of my cooking demonstrations! You can either come out to The Carter Farm Market located in Norval, Ontario, or I will come out to your house for a private demo!

As promised, I'm back to continue blogging about our family friend's farm that my sweetie and I visited a couple of weekends ago. Jean was born in Texas and grew up in Oklahoma, before travelling north and settling in Canada. She has lived in different parts of Ontario and Nova Scotia and is now back in Ontario and lives along the Niagara Escarpment in Dundas. If you scroll down my blog, you will see Jean's garden and the vegetables she grows, some representing her Southern roots such as okra, lots of peppers (some are hot!) and a couple different types of tomatillos. Speaking of tomatillos, I just blogged a recipe for salsa verde and as soon as local squash are ready, I will make Jean`s tomatillo and squash soup! Yum! Jean's farm isn't all about veggies though and her other gardening passion takes us indoors to her vast greenhouse which is filled with over a thousand orchids!
Part Two
Jean Ikeson loves orchids. Not only does she have a greenhouse full of them, but she is also is a member of many orchid societies and was an international judge at an orchid competition in Singapore a year and half a ago. Jean also has her own business named Windsor Greenhouse that sells orchids, orchid growing supplies and good quality greenhouses, not just poly huts. Here is a link to her website!
Now, before we get started looking at photos, I just wanted to share that the orchids are not in full bloom this time of year. So, today I only have about a dozen pictures to share, but Jean told us to come back in January or February when they are all in bloom. To tell you truth, I can't even imagine what that would look like! Over a thousand orchids in bloom?! I cannot wait to go back and I promise to bring my camera along. Here are some of Jean`s beautiful orchids!
 L.C. Puppy Love
Angraecum Sesquipedale (a.k.a Darwin's Orchid)
Though discovered by someone else, this native of Madagascar was made famous by Darwin! The noticeably long spur of the flower had Darwin rationalize that there must be a  large moth with a long proboscis (tongue) that must pollinate the orchid. He was proven right, but only years after his death. Recently, for the first time, hidden cameras finally caught footage of the infamous moth and here's a link to the video! Ha!
Lady Slipper
With over 25,00 different orchids, I had a hard time writing all of the names down!
 Look how small and delicate these orchids are! Magnificent!

Ants live within  the tubers of some orchid plants, keeping them pollinated.


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